Devin Reams wearing a teal shirt in front of a teal sign that says 'trouble'

Howdy! I’m Devin. I’m sensibly impulsive, consistently non-committal, and passionately impartial. I’m a technologist living in Denver, Colorado.

Simperium joins Automattic

I’m happy to hear the folks behind the popular note-taking application, Simplenote, will join the expert blog shepherds at Automattic.

Citing authors on the web (and off)

The individuals behind an article are just as, if not more, important than the publication they write at.

Is WordPress a development platform or a product?

The primary vendor maintaining the open source project has productized WordPress. But it’s also touted as a platform to build (not just blogs) upon.

Games by EA versus Nintendo

After trading a quick “Tweet” with Dan Frommer last night I realized folks may not know this: Electronic Arts, one of the largest video game developers, has not only created dozens of original game titles for iOS but also ported “old” brands over to the Apple platform.

Introducing Circa News 1.1

I’ve become a big fan of the Circa News app from Matt Galligan, Ben Huh, and company. With the new “swipe to go back” gesture in version 1.1 this has become one of my favorite apps on my iPhone’s home screen.

What competition is WordPress up against?

I can think of at least two big competitors to the WordPress open source project that may require addressing in the coming year (and beyond).

I’m doing a pub crawl home so I don’t die of hypothe…

I’m doing a pub crawl home so I don’t die of hypothermia. #Denver

Aereo headed to Denver (and 21 other cities) soon?

If you’ve not seen: Aereo is a new startup backed by Barry Diller to free the television airwaves and put them online. In short: they create a farm of television antennas, put them online, and then allow you to watch your broadcast television online.

It’s currently running in New York and has already met some legal challenges (incumbents certainly don’t like threats). Sign up online to get updates when it arrives in your city.

Great Divide tasting room donates $73,201

I remember years ago when the Great Divide tasting room was a small, cozy spot where you could wander in and sample three excellent beers for free. When they expanded the room (took out an entire wall) and started charging $1 per sample I thought the two events were related. From PJ over at Denver off the Wagon:

In the middle of 2011, Great Divide realized they had an interesting problem. People had learned that small samples of the beer were free, and on a Friday night would pour into the taproom, slam a flight of high octane brew, and wander off to other locations of lesser repute. Call them frugal or hyenas, these were not the patrons the brewery hoped would fill their bar stools on a Friday evening. But what could a fledgling, 17 year old brewery do? To charge for samples would be disingenuous to their fans, friends, and future followers. To keep them free would be to attract these hooligans of the night.

This is a great example of how putting up the right “barriers” can help improve your business (plus more excellent local writing from the folks over at DOTW).

Drive-Thru Invisible Driver

I love the reactions of these fast food “drive thru” window employees. I can’t stop laughing…