Devin Reams wearing a teal shirt in front of a teal sign that says 'trouble'

Howdy! I’m Devin. I’m sensibly impulsive, consistently non-committal, and passionately impartial. I’m a technologist living in Denver, Colorado.

Advice for Grads

Scott Adams provides valuable advice for new graduates. Every one a gem. This one we’ve already learned in college though: Preparing a Powerpoint presentation will give you the sweet, sweet illusion of productivity.

NBC Sucks

NBC sucks. The worst thing they could have done is send YouTube a C&D letter. Viral marketing can be defined as:* Marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message*. Without that marketing it wouldn’t have become popular. Which meant it wouldn’t be on iTunes. Does anyone else realize** the material from Lonely Island (the guys who came up with it) was created under a Creative Commons license**? I thought that was what made them so neat in the first place. NBC, you used to be cool…

Friday Fun: Flash Katamari

Katamari Damacy is a great game. The concept -rolling up everything in the world into a ball- is unmatched. I’m so glad to see someone has made a flash game based on it. What a great way to start Friday.

Cheney Close Range?

Here’s an interesting report concluding that Cheney’s shot was between 15 and 18 feet, not the reported 90. My only question is: why would they lie? What difference does the distance make? Either way, as Jon Stewart so eloquently put it, the Vice President shot a 78-year old man in the face.

The Ease of Blogging

I was doing some quality thinking in the shower (my best ideas originate while soaking in hot water). I was reflecting on my blogging experience. Why do I do it? Why do other people do it? Is there an easy way to explain it? I think I figured out the answer to most of these questions. It’s really quite simple. I submit to you the underlying principles of blogging which I like to call The Ease (E’s) of Blogging:

Horizons Day

I did nothing Valentines-y yesterday. It seems like the biggest non-holiday ever celebrated. Why just one day to dedicate to a sweetheart? Make every day special! Anyway, a friend of mine sent me this, in which I participated:

Olympic Girls

This may just be the Valentine’s Day talking but is it me or does the United States have some of the prettiest competitors in the world? It’s that ‘girl-next-door’ mixed with the ‘best-on-the-planet’ look that really struck me today… and if you’re wondering, I plan on eating ice cream and watching The Notebook alone tomorrow night.

MSN Search and Win

Yahoo has a lot to learn, I have a feeling the new MSN Search and Win campaign will gather a lot more response. If not, that’s fine, it just helps both Nathan’s odds and mine. I’ve already changed my Firefox search engine from Google to MSN…

Is college worth it?

Ben asked and answered the question, Chris added his two cents, now it’s my turn: Is college really necessary?

3D Marketing

Sure, Target puts a few red targets on their roofs and gets a little buzz. But, what if they somehow incorporated this 3D awesomeness into their stores? Who says marketing can’t be fun?