DigitalOne raid by FBI: Instapaper vs. Pinboard

I couldn’t help but compare the two reactions to the (potentially overreaching) raid by the [FBI on DigitalOne’s datacenter in Virginia]( In short, the FBI ceased a bunch of servers in a bust on Latvian crime rings in which two unrelated web services were affected.

Here’s an example from [Instapaper’s blog]( by Marco which rambles on suggesting the FBI may or may not have our data, our passwords may or may not be safe, he is going to make some changes soon, and takes a vindictive pause regarding the datacenter lessor (not the physical owner of the space):

I’m not convinced that [DigitalOne] did everything they could to prevent the seizure of non-targeted servers, and their lack of proactive communication with the affected customers is beneath the level of service I expect from a host.

Compared to Maciej’s well-organized update at the [Pinboard blog]( which answered the tough questions: Are my bookmarks safe? (Yes) Does the FBI have my data? (Legally, not likely) Is my password safe? (Yes and no) And concludes with the following:

**How can I get my data off of Pinboard and close my account?**

Use the [export page]( to grab your bookmarks, then send me an [email](

A conscious effort was made to keep the export functionality available although the remainder of the bookmarking service was degraded due to the lost server. This simple sentence reminds users how they can quickly re-take ownership of their data and disassociate with the service that may have lost their trust

Pinboard has actually continued to win so much more of my trust than any web service I’ve used to-date. Kudos, [Pinboard](