You should change jobs when…

Do you feel like you deserve a little better? Are you not being challenged enough? Well, then perhaps it’s time to move on. Maybe a new boss, different company, perhaps even a new career. Whatever it may be, you know you should change jobs when…

  1. You take the longer way to the bathroom. You know, past the windows. So you can see the outside world.
  2. You get excited when the fire-alarm goes off. Either everything is going up in flames or you just earned a 15 minute paid break.
  3. You get coffee twelve times before noon. Hey, the more walking, the less work. And the more coffee, the more bathroom breaks.
  4. You feel accomplished when you take home office supplies. Especially by accident. What an awesome surprise. A free pen!
  5. You go to lunch at 2:00pm. Not because you’re working too hard but because you know when you get back you’ve only got an hour or so until quitting time.
  6. You start parking further and further away. “Well, I made it to the office parking lot by 8:00, but the walk put me in my chair at 8:09. I think that means I get to leave 10 minutes early, too.”
  7. You check your co-workers’ schedules to avoid confrontation. “It looks like my boss has a meeting from 4 to 5… I bet I could slide out at 4:30.”
  8. Mandatory time off sounds good. Who needs to get paid? At least you’re not at work!
  9. You use Outlook’s ‘Do not deliver before’ option. Nothing says ‘good employee’ when you spend Friday afternoon scheduling a few emails to go out on late Saturday night.
  10. You make lists about changing jobs… at work.