Devin Reams wearing a teal shirt in front of a teal sign that says 'trouble'

Howdy! I’m Devin. I’m sensibly impulsive, consistently non-committal, and passionately impartial. I’m a technologist living in Denver, Colorado.

Tips when applying for jobs and interviewing

I have volunteered to help Turing School graduates with resume reviews and interview practice over the past few years. As both a hiring manager and a job seeker I’ve seen a lot and practice what I preach. Here’s some of my advice…

What's Next?!

I’m faced with an existential question: what do I want to do with my life? I’ve started to narrow some of my thinking down to my “work life” … I’ll try to figure out “life life” later. Here’s my distillation of the kinds of things I’m looking for in my next role…

Putting the Fun in Fundraising

It’s been five months since I joined ToMarket and next week will be my last working with them full-time. It’s been a tough year or so for startups and we were not immune to the macroeconomic landscape and headwinds.

I Took Down Production

I took down production. I’m shocked but not surprised. I have a knack for touching things I shouldn’t. I’m also surprised how easy it was, given modern tooling.

I'm Going ToMarket

It’s been about a month since I started as CTO at ToMarket and I’m excited to share a bit more about the company and what I’ll be doing…

Where I've Been (at Work)

In March 2017 I joined Mozilla and proceeded to have a busy four years…

My Podcast Playlist

I’ve been a podcast listener since shortly after Apple introduced the concept (into iTunes late in 2005). I recently took stock of what I regularly listen to and found I subscribe to 27 podcasts…

Joining Mozilla

I’m excited to announce I’m joining Mozilla in April to help manage an engineering team!

My ThingMonk 2016 IoT lessons

After attending three days of Internet of Things (IoT) talks at ThingMonk 2016, and having never formally learned anything about IoT, I wanted to share some interesting tidbits and gems I heard at the conference…

What am I thankful for?

Rachel and I are “getting away” for the Thanksgiving holiday (and taking our first official vacation together in over a year).